Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Little Cinderella's First Dance Recital

Sophia's hard work in dance class this year resulted in a wonderful performance at her first dance recital! The entire program was well done and entertaining; we thoroughly enjoyed all the dance numbers.

The show began with an act performed by dancers and their dads, a group which represented all the age groups the dance school teaches. The song they dramatized was "Cinderella" (the lyrics can be found at the bottom of this entry). The theme of the song is daddy's little girl growing up & how he cherishes every moment he has with her, and it was beautifully illustrated in the beginning by the littlest dancers (Sophia was one) being swirled and twirled by their daddies.

As the Cinderella in the song grows up, the dancers "aged" along with her...until "Cinderella" was waltzed around the stage by her new husband in her wedding dress. The performance was a real tearjerker, especially for me, watching my handsome husband delicately dance with our little princess who is growing up so fast. (I am hoping to post video of it, here, as my words cannot adequately describe the beauty of that dance.)

Sophia's routine was set to "A few of my favorite things" from the musical "The Sound of Music" (a favorite of mine and my mom's). I hope that our little ballerina continues to enjoy her dance lessons, because we sure enjoyed watching the culmination of her (and her teacher's) hard work in the recital. I look forward to her daddy presenting her with many more bouquets of flowers in the future, celebrating jobs well done!

"Cinderella" Lyrics
by Steven Curtis Chapman

She spins and she sways
To whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing
The weight of the world on my shoulders
It's been a long day
And there's still work to do
She's pulling at me
Saying "Dad I need you!
There's a ball at the castle
And I've been invited
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed
She wants to know if I approve of her dress
She says, "Dad the prom is just one week away
And I need to practice my dancin'
Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

She will be gone

But she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowin' and tellin' us all they had planned
She says, "Dad the wedding's still six months away but I need to practice my dancin'
Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Precious Moments

Being a parent has so many rewards. Watching your baby's first smile, taking that first step, the sweet "love notes" your five-year-old writes. My mother's day this year was full of wonderfully memorable moments which I will always cherish.

My lovely 11 year old, Alexa, gifted me with tickets to see Ira Glass, a radio host on my favorite NPR program, This American Life. If you have never heard it, you can listen to past shows online at . I have listened to his program for years, in fact, he has introduced me to some of my favorite contemporary writers. Alexa has always enjoyed the program, as well, so it was fitting for us to have a Mother Daughter date to see him!

We began our evening by strolling around the Main Gate Square near the U of A campus. I was so proud to notice strangers smiling at my beautiful daughter; she is growing up so fast, into a gorgeous young lady. We then went to a charming little Greek restaurant, where she bought me a delicious dinner. She presented me with a very sweet card (with music!) and insisted on opening my card whenever new customers walked in the door, so they could enjoy the song, too!

After dinner, we picked up a couple of drinks at Starbuck's (yes, mine was decaf! and yes, she treated me AGAIN!) and then walked up to the Women's Plaza of Honor, a really cool structure, dedicated to phenomenal women in Arizona history. It was the perfect place for us to sit and reflect and enjoy the beautiful dusk.

The show was amazing; Ira Glass is an excellent combination of nerdy intellectual, witty funny-man & kind hearted world observer. We laughed hard, teared up a little and thoroughly enjoyed his presentation. It's so amazing to be able to have a smart discussion with my preteen about the issues discussed in his show...I see the woman she is going to be and I really like her!

Our drive home was full of excited conversation, recounting every funny moment of our flawless evening. We didn't want the evening to end!

The following morning, Chris brought me breakfast in bed. The girls had a handmade card & gifts for me (a beach scented candle & my signature scent, "Angel" by Thierry Mugler). I lounged for the day, my affectionate family waiting on me, hand & foot. In the evening we went to Ryan and Abby's to float in their new pool and to eat a feast of shish-ka-bob, asparagus & a delicate rice dish which Abby made.

A long distance Mother's Day phone call from Michael capped off my excellent Mother's Day and added to the numerous memories which I will always prize!
Me and my phenomenal daughter at the Women's Plaza of HonorMom and Alexa at the Women's Plaza of Honor. Maybe someday her name will be engraved there, too!
At the house before we leftAt the house before we left; Dad took some pictures of his girls!
It was super sunny out, hence the squinting!Collin's 'Dr. Bear', a little buddy we made at Build-A-Bear to help keep him company while he's in the hospitalOn another note, we got wonderful news this evening. Collin's surgery has been cancelled! You can read the update here: We're overjoyed and so grateful for this turn of events! This picture is of Collin's 'Dr. Bear' which we made to comfort him and keep him company while in the hospital. We're now hoping that Mr. Bear NEVER has to see the inside of a hospital! Thank you all for your continued prayers and healing thoughts for our precious grandson.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Forty is Fabulous!

My fortieth birthday was the most amazing, touching, surprising, awesome birthday of my life!

My wonderful day started with my darling husband preparing breakfast & coffee; we spent some quiet time together before he headed to work. I was on the phone with my mom, when, around 6:30 a.m., my doorbell started RINGING! (You know how sometimes it rings louder than others, well, this was one of those times!) At the door was my gorgeous friend, Sarah, with an enormous, colorfully wrapped present in her hands. She was squealing, "Happy Birthday! Surprise!!"

Attached to the gargantuan box was a card, signed "from all of us" and with a note, "40 presents for 40 years". As I unwrapped the gift, I felt confused. (A mix of non-caffeinated coffee + early morning??) Opening the box, my breath was taken by the realization of my gift. Inside were forty perfectly wrapped little gifts, with a note of love & birthday wishes on each, all from a variety of friends...some from far away, some from friends I haven't seen in a while, some from new pals whom I have just met through Sophia's preschool class.

That my phenomenal friend would contact all of these women (some of whom she's never met) in order to surprise & honor me is just astounding! She and Alexa sat and watched as I opened each interesting package & read each message. I would be lying if I said I didn't tear up a time or two, during my impromptu "party with no people". After Sarah left, I just sat and marveled at how many thoughtful friends I have, and how lucky I am to know each and every one.

For lunch I dined with some of the amazing women who had participated in making my birthday so fantastic, then home to do some "chores". But my fabulous day was not done! As I arrived home, a beautiful "cake bouquet" was delivered...complete with 10candles. (Alexa insisted on reminding me that each candle represents 4 years!) Chris also sent me an incredible arrangement of red tulips & purple irises...they are stunning! My sweet mom also indulged my love of Longaberger AND my love of politics with a 2009 Inauguration Basket. :bliss:

Dinner time arrived and my handsome husband and daughters took me to a fun little Mexican restaurant, Mi Nidito. I felt so special getting ready for our night out, I had so many gorgeous, new pieces of jewelry to choose from! Ryan and Abby joined us, which made my night complete. We had a delicious meal & some typical family hijinks afterwards while picture taking. I fell asleep that night with an enormous smile on my face...feeling adored & cherished and thinking that forty is fabulous!!
The birthday card
40 presents for 40 years
40 presents
Mom and girls at the Presidential tableI got to sit where President Clinton sat when he dined at Mi Nidito (back in 1999). I did feel something when I sat there, but it was probably just the baby moving! J/K
Showing off new jewelryHere I am, cheekily showing off some of my new birthday jewelry.Sophia pouting We asked a woman outside the restaurant to take our photo, which upset Sophia who wanted to be the evening's photographer. She boycotted the first family picture. Sophia crying We convinced her to face front with us, but she wasn't happy about it.
Silly family pictureSophia took this picture (and did a darn good job!)

Tonight we're (Chris and I) dining out with some of our close of the fabulous things about my fortieth is that we're STILL celebrating! ha ha